Lee Ha-joon of Incheon National University (Professor Kang Yeon-ju) published an SCIE paper in the Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabitation

홍보팀 (032-835-9490)

인천대학교 체육학과 운동신경역학재활연구실 석사과정 이하준 학생

Lee Ha-joon of Incheon National University's Neuromechanical Rehabilitation Research Lab

A study conducted by Lee Ha-joon (1 author), Choi Bum-jin (1 co-author), and Kang Yeon-ju (corresponding author) of Incheon National University's Neuromechanical Rehabilitation Research Lab (non-invasive performance motors and cognitive performances with Parkinson's disase: a systemic review and meta-analysis) 'Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabitation' (Impact factor = 5.2, Journal of Citizenship Reports = Top 2.35%) was published.

The study published in the Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabitation conducted a meta-analysis to investigate how non-invasive brain stimulation affects Parkinson's disease patients' ability to perform dual tasks. What is noteworthy is that when transcranial direct current stimulation increases the excitability of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, motor and cognitive function were improved during dual work, and greater motor function was improved in younger or female patients.

Student Lee Ha-joon, student Choi Bum-jin, and professor Kang Yeon-ju confirmed through meta-analysis that transcranial direct current electrical stimulation positively affects Parkinson's disease patients' ability to perform dual tasks. The results of these papers can contribute to the independent daily life of Parkinson's disease patients by providing important information for the development of effective rehabilitation protocols to improve their dual-task performance.

Lee Ha-joon, the first author of the study, published two papers as co-authors in Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry (Impact factor = 5.3), including the Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabitation, an international academic journal (SCIE), and one paper as co-authors in the 'EXCLI Journal' (Impact factor = 3.8) during his master's program.

This study was conducted with support from the Incheon National University Student Demonstration Research Group, INU in-school research funds, and the Korea Research Foundation's new researcher project.

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