2018.08.24 부산대학교 (공학박사)
2014.02.21 부산대학교 (석사)
2012.02.17 부산대학교 (학사)
2021.07 ~ 2022.07 Technical University of Darmstadt (연구원)
2020.09 ~ 2021.06 Technical University of Darmstadt (박사후연구원(Career Bridging Grant))
2019.09 ~ 2020.08 University of Duisburg-Essen (박사후연구원(한국연구재단 박사후국외연수))
2019.03 ~ 2019.07 부산대학교 (연수연구원)
2018.09 ~ 2018.12 Eawag - Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (방문연구원(한국연구재단 한-스위스협력기반확충사업))
Roles of silica coating on nanosized zero-valent iron in sequential reduction–oxidation process in a system containing persulfate, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS , 제480권(집) , 2024.12.05
Sustained activation of persulfate by slow release of Fe(II) from silica-coated nanosized zero-valent iron for in situ chemical oxidation, WATER RESEARCH , 제246권(집) , PP.120715~ , 2023.11.01
Influences of pH, Reagent Dose, and Water Matrix Components on the Formation and Utilization of Hydroxyl Radicals in the Oxidation of Bisphenol S and para-Chlorobenzoic Acid by the Fenton Reaction, ACS ES and T Water , 제3권(집) , 제3호 , PP.629~638 , 2023.03.10
Synthesis of novel LaCoO3/graphene catalysts as highly efficient peroxymonosulfate activator for the degradation of organic pollutants, Chemical Engineering Journal , 제454권(집) , 제1호 , 2023.02.15
Continuous Fe(II)-dosing scheme for persulfate activation: Performance enhancement mechanisms in a slurry phase reactor, CHEMOSPHERE , 제308권(집) , 제3호 , PP.136401~ , 2022.12.01
Oxidation of bromide by heat-activated persulfate–Effects of temperature and the organic matter surrogate phenol on kinetics and stoichiometry, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL , 제433권(집) , 제2호 , 2022.04.01
Activation of persulfate by humic substances: stoichiometry and changes in the optical properties of the humic substances, WATER RESEARCH , 제212권(집) , 2022.04.01
Enhanced heterogeneous activation of peroxymonosulfate by Ruddlesden-Popper-type La2CoO4+ δ nanoparticles for bisphenol A degradation, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL , 제429권(집) , 2022.02.01
Field-scale investigation of nanoscale zero-valent iron (NZVI) injection parameters for enhanced delivery of NZVI particles to groundwater, WATER RESEARCH , 제202권(집) , 2021.09.01
Large-scale synthesis of iron oxide/graphene hybrid materials as highly efficient photo-Fenton catalyst for water remediation, Environmental Technology & Innovation , 제21권(집) , 2021.02.01
Electrochemical degradation of ibuprofen using an activated-carbon-based continuous-flow three-dimensional electrode reactor (3DER), CHEMOSPHERE , 제259권(집) , 2020.11.01
Effects of the formation of reactive chlorine species on oxidation process using persulfate and nano zero-valent iron, CHEMOSPHERE , 제250권(집) , 2020.07.01
Mechanisms of electro-assisted persulfate/nano-Fe0 oxidation process: Roles of redox mediation by dissolved Fe, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS , 제388권(집) , 2020.04.15
Carbonation/granulation of mine tailings using a MgO/ground-granule blast-furnace-slag binder, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS , 2019.10.15