2014.02.24 연세대학교 (공학박사)
2007.08.22 서울시립대학교 (공학석사)
2005.02.22 서울시립대학교 (공학사)
2018.03 ~ 2019.08 경기대학교 (조교수)
2016.11 ~ 2018.02 홍콩이공대학교 - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong, China) (조교수)
2015.09 ~ 2016.08 퍼듀대학교 - Purdue University (USA) (방문교수)
2014.03 ~ 2018.02 연세대학교 건축공학과 (연구교수)
2014.03 ~ 2014.08 인하대학교 건축공학과 (시간강사)
2007.09 ~ 2011.03 (주)한미글로벌건축사사무소 건설전략연구소 (사원)
A simplified machine learning model to forecast individual thermal comfort in older adults’ residential spaces without relying on wearable devices, Sustainable Cities and Society , 제119권(집) , 제-호 , PP.106085~106085 , 2025.02.01
A strategic approach to enhancing the practical applicability of vision-based detection and classification models for construction tools - Sensitivity analysis of model performance depending on confidence threshold, 한국건설관리학회 논문집 , 제26권(집) , 제1호 , PP.102~109 , 2025.01.31
건설중장비 동작인식 성능 향상을 위한 합성 동영상 생성 프로세스 모델 - Unreal Engine 환경에서 3D 시뮬레이션을 활용하여, 한국건설관리학회 논문집 , 제26권(집) , 제1호 , PP.74~82 , 2025.01.31
Impact of environmental pollutants on work performance using virtual reality, AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION , 제168권(집) , PP.105833~105833 , 2024.12.01
Investigation of individual differences in thermal comfort of elderly residential spaces: Utilizing IoT-based physiological model, 한국건설관리학회 논문집 , 제25권(집) , 제6호 , PP.86~99 , 2024.11.30
Impact of heat stress on individual cognitive states: Utilizing EEG metrics in immersive VR-based construction safety training, JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING , 제40권(집) , 제6호 , PP.-~- , 2024.11.01
Thermal and visual comforts of occupants for a naturally ventilated educational building in low-income economies: A machine learning approach, Journal of Building Engineering , 제94권(집) , 제-호 , 2024.10.01
Impact of interactive learning elements on personal learning performance in immersive virtual reality for construction safety training, EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS , 제251권(집) , 제-호 , PP.124099~124099 , 2024.10.01
Empirical adaption of Work/Rest schedules to physiological variability in heat response, SAFETY SCIENCE , 제1권(집) , 제1호 , PP.1~1 , 2024.09.01
Utilizing synthetic images to enhance the automated recognition of small-sized construction tools, AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION , 제163권(집) , PP.105415~105415 , 2024.07.01
Forecasting personal heat strain under extremely hot environments: Utilizing feature importance in machine learning, ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE , 제133권(집) , 제-호 , PP.108507~108507 , 2024.07.01
A living lab to develop smart home services for the residential welfare of older adults, TECHNOLOGY IN SOCIETY , 제77권(집) , 제-호 , PP.102577~102577 , 2024.06.01
Managing energy consumption and indoor environment quality using augmented reality based on the occupants’ satisfaction and characteristics, ENERGY AND BUILDINGS , 제311권(집) , PP.114165~114165 , 2024.05.15
Energy consumption prediction and household feature analysis for different residential building types using machine learning and SHAP: Toward energy-efficient buildings, ENERGY AND BUILDINGS , 제309권(집) , 제-호 , PP.113997~ , 2024.04.01
A Classification Model Using Personal Biometric Characteristics to Identify Individuals Vulnerable to an Extremely Hot Environment, JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING , 제40권(집) , 제2호 , 2024.03.01
Precast concrete project image dataset for deep learning object detection, Developments in the Built Environment , 제17권(집) , PP.100383~ , 2024.03.01
A New Benchmark Model for the Automated Detection and Classification of a Wide Range of Heavy Construction Equipment, JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING , 제40권(집) , 제2호 , PP.4023069~ , 2024.03.01
A machine learning-based forecasting model for personal maximum allowable exposure time under extremely hot environments, Sustainable Cities and Society , 제101권(집) , 제.호 , PP.105140~ , 2024.02.01
Scalable investigation of energy usage patterns and saving potential in hotel guestrooms: Focused on occupancy states and electrical installations, ENERGY AND BUILDINGS , 제302권(집) , PP.113735~113735 , 2024.01.01
Empirical investigation of occupant-centric thermal comfort in hotel guestrooms, RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS , 제189권(집) , 제-호 , PP.114046~114046 , 2024.01.01
Forecasting personal learning performance in virtual reality-based construction safety training using biometric responses, AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION , 2023.12.01
가상현실 기반 건설안전교육에서 개인특성이 학습성과에 미치는 영향 - 머신러닝과 SHAP을 활용하여, 한국건설관리학회 논문집 , 제24권(집) , 제6호 , PP.3~11 , 2023.11.30
An interpretable machine learning approach for forecasting personal heat strain considering the cumulative effect of heat exposure, 한국건설관리학회 논문집 , 제24권(집) , 제6호 , PP.81~90 , 2023.11.30
Thermal comfort prediction based on automated extraction of skin temperature of face component on thermal image, ENERGY AND BUILDINGS , 제298권(집) , 제0호 , PP.113495~113495 , 2023.11.01
Development of a multi-node monitoring system for analyzing plant growth and indoor environment interactions: An empirical study on a plant factory, COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE , 제214권(집) , 제-호 , PP.108311~108311 , 2023.11.01
Indoor environmental quality improvement in green building: Occupant perception and behavioral impact, Journal of Building Engineering , 제69권(집) , 제0호 , PP.106314~106314 , 2023.06.15
Clustering-based Model for Identifying Individual Differences in Vulnerability to Heat Strain - Using a Means Difference Analysis of Personal Biometric Characteristics -, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea , 제39권(집) , 제3호 , PP.259~265 , 2023.03.31
Simulating travel paths of construction site workers via deep reinforcement learning considering their spatial cognition and wayfinding behavior, AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION , 제147권(집) , 제-호 , PP.104715~104715 , 2023.03.01
A novel process model for developing a scalable room-level energy benchmark using real-time bigdata: Focused on identifying representative energy usage patterns, RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS , 제169권(집) , 제-호 , 2022.11.01
Automated components-vehicle allocation planning for precast concrete projects, JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING , 제38권(집) , 제6호 , 2022.11.01
Integrated approach to evaluating the impact of feed-in tariffs on the life cycle economic performance of photovoltaic systems in China: A case study of educational facilities, ENERGY , 제254권(집) , 제B호 , 2022.09.01
Automated Generation of Precast Concrete Slab Stacks for Transportation in Offsite Construction Projects, JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT , 제148권(집) , 제8호 , 2022.08.01
An interpretable machine learning approach for evaluating the feature importance affecting lost workdays at construction sites, Journal of Building Engineering , 제53권(집) , 제-호 , 2022.08.01
EEG-Based Circumplex Model of Affect for Identifying Interindividual Differences in Thermal Comfort, JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING , 제38권(집) , 제4호 , PP.4022034~ , 2022.07.01
4차산업혁명 건설기술에 대한 학생, 교수, 실무종사자 인식차이 조사, 한국건설관리학회 논문집 , 제23권(집) , 제3호 , PP.95~103 , 2022.05.31
가상현실 기반 건설안전교육이 건설근로자의 학습효과에 미치는 영향 - CAMIL 이론을 활용하여 -, 한국건설관리학회 논문집 , 제23권(집) , 제3호 , PP.104~115 , 2022.05.02
Integrated approach to evaluating the effect of indoor CO2 concentration on human cognitive performance and neural response in office environment, JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING , 제38권(집) , 제1호 , PP.4021085~ , 2022.01.01
노후 공동주택 주차장 리모델링 공사 표준공기 설정에 관한 연구, 한국건설관리학회 논문집 , 제22권(집) , 제6호 , PP.107~119 , 2021.11.30
A scalable platform for investigating the space-specific features of the temporal energy usage pattern and saving potential with real-time bigdata, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION , 제314권(집) , PP.128028~ , 2021.09.10
Performance Optimization Studies on Heating, Cooling and Lighting Energy Systems of Buildings during the Design Stage: A Review, Sustainability , 제13권(집) , 제17호 , PP.9815~ , 2021.09.01
A Techno‐Economic Feasibility Analysis of Mono‐Si and Poly‐Si Photovoltaic Systems in the Rooftop Area of Commercial Building Under the Feed‐In Tariff Scheme, Sustainability , 제13권(집) , 제9호 , PP.4709~ , 2021.05.01
A real-time optimal control strategy for multi-zone VAV air-conditioning systems adopting a multi-agent based distributed optimization method, APPLIED ENERGY , 제287권(집) , 제-호 , PP.116605~ , 2021.04.01
오프사이트건설(Off-site Construction) 운반 시스템을 위한 핵심기능 도출 및 시스템 기능 전개도 개발, 한국건설관리학회 논문집 , 제22권(집) , 제2호 , PP.21~30 , 2021.03.31
공동주택 지하주차장 확대 리모델링 개략 공사비 산정 모델 개발, 한국건설관리학회 논문집 , 제22권(집) , 제2호 , PP.42~52 , 2021.03.31
IPA를 통한 PC부재 할당 및 적재 계획 시 고려사항 분석, 한국건설관리학회 논문집 , 제22권(집) , 제2호 , PP.53~62 , 2021.03.31
Toward productivity in future construction: mapping knowledge and finding insights for achieving successful offsite construction projects, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering , 제8권(집) , 제1호 , PP.1~14 , 2021.02.01
A real-time management system for the indoor environmental quality and energy efficiency in a hotel guestroom, International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications , 제11권(집) , 제2호 , PP.109~125 , 2020.12.01
A novel estimation approach for the solar radiation potential with its complex spatial pattern via machine-learning techniques, RENEWABLE ENERGY , 제156권(집) , 제-호 , PP.1389~1394 , 2020.08.01
연관규칙 기반 소규모 건설현장 사망재해 다중요인 분석, 한국건설관리학회 논문집 , 제21권(집) , 제4호 , PP.90~99 , 2020.07.31
A novel operation approach for the energy efficiency improvement of the HVAC system in office spaces through real-time big data analytics, RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS , 제127권(집) , 제-호 , PP.109885~ , 2020.07.01
Embodied and Operational CO2 emissions of the Elementary School Buildings in Different Climate Zones, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering , 제24권(집) , 제4호 , PP.1037~1048 , 2020.03.11
Spatial perception of ceiling height and type variation in immersive virtual environments, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT , 제163권(집) , PP.106285~ , 2019.10.01
A novel estimation approach for the solar radiation potential with its spatial pattern via machine-learning techniques, RENEWABLE ENERGY , 제133권(집) , PP.575~592 , 2019.04.15
Multi-criteria decision support system of the photovoltaic and solar thermal energy systems using the multi-objective optimization algorithm, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT , 제659권(집) , PP.1100~1114 , 2019.04.01
An integrated model for estimating the techno-economic performance of the distributed solar generation system on building façades: Focused on energy demand and supply, APPLIED ENERGY , 제228권(집) , PP.1071~1090 , 2018.10.15
An optimized gene expression programming model for forecasting the national CO2 emissions in 2030 using the metaheuristic algorithms, APPLIED ENERGY , 제228권(집) , PP.808~820 , 2018.10.15
A novel real-time method for HVAC system operation to improve indoor environmental quality in meeting rooms, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT , 제144권(집) , PP.365~385 , 2018.10.15
Towards a well-planned, activity-based work environment: Automated recognition of office activities using accelerometers, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT , 제144권(집) , PP.86~93 , 2018.10.15
The effects of indoor plants and artificial windows in an underground environment, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT , 제138권(집) , PP.53~62 , 2018.06.15
Improving the prediction performance of the finite element model for estimating the technical performance of the distributed generation of solar power system in a building facade, APPLIED ENERGY , 제215권(집) , PP.41~53 , 2018.04.01
Development of the monthly average daily solar radiation map using A-CBR, FEM, and Kriging method, Technological and Economic Development of Economy , 제24권(집) , 제2호 , PP.489~512 , 2018.03.15
A break-even analysis and impact analysis of residential solar photovoltaic systems considering state solar incentives, Technological and Economic Development of Economy , 제24권(집) , 제2호 , PP.358~382 , 2018.02.15
Development of the life-cycle economic and environmental assessment model for establishing the optimal implementation strategy of the rooftop photovoltaic system, Technological and Economic Development of Economy , 제24권(집) , 제1호 , PP.27~47 , 2018.02.15
A model for determining the optimal lease payment in the solar lease business for residences and third-party companies - With focus on the region and on multi-family housing complexes, RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS , 제82권(집) , 제1호 , PP.824~836 , 2018.02.15
Development of a dynamic incentive and penalty program for improving the energy performance of existing buildings, Technological and Economic Development of Economy , 제24권(집) , 제2호 , PP.295~317 , 2018.02.15
Case-based reasoning approach to estimating the strength of sustainable concrete, Computers and Concrete , 제20권(집) , 제6호 , PP.645~654 , 2017.12.15
Advanced strategies for net-zero energy building: Focused on the early phase and usage phase of a building’s life cycle, Sustainability , 제9권(집) , 제12호 , PP.2272~ , 2017.12.15
Mapping the rescue equipment mobilization potential: A decision support tool for emergency management, JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING , 제33권(집) , 제6호 , PP.4017037~ , 2017.11.15
Establishment of an optimal occupant behavior considering the energy consumption and indoor environmental quality by region, APPLIED ENERGY , 제204권(집) , PP.1431~1443 , 2017.10.15
A prototype design and development of the smart photovoltaic system blind considering the photovoltaic panel, tracking system, and monitoring system, Applied Sciences-Basel , 제7권(집) , 제10호 , PP.1077~ , 2017.10.15
An integrated psychological response score of the occupants based on their activities and the indoor environmental quality condition changes, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT , 제123권(집) , PP.66~77 , 2017.10.15
Development of an integrated multi-objective optimization (iMOO) model for determining the optimal solar incentive design, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH , 제41권(집) , 제12호 , PP.1749~1766 , 2017.10.10
Development of the hybrid model for estimating the undisturbed ground temperature using the finite element method and geostatistical technique, ENERGY AND BUILDINGS , 제152권(집) , PP.162~174 , 2017.10.01
A simplified estimation model for determining the optimal rooftop photovoltaic system for gable roofs, ENERGY AND BUILDINGS , 제151권(집) , PP.320~331 , 2017.09.15
An economic impact analysis of residential progressive electricity tariffs in implementing the building-integrated photovoltaic blind, APPLIED ENERGY , 제202권(집) , PP.259~274 , 2017.09.15
Establishment of a base price for the solar renewable energy credit (SREC) from the perspective of residents and state governments in the United States, RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS , 제75권(집) , PP.1066~1080 , 2017.08.15
Theory of an intelligent planning unit for the complex built environment, JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING , 제33권(집) , 제3호 , 2017.05.15
Nonlinearity analysis of the shading effect on the technical-economic performance of the building-integrated photovoltaic blind, APPLIED ENERGY , 제194권(집) , PP.467~480 , 2017.05.15
Development of a method for estimating the rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) potential by analyzing the available rooftop area using Hillshade analysis, APPLIED ENERGY , 제194권(집) , PP.320~332 , 2017.05.15
Improvements of the operational rating system for existing residential buildings, APPLIED ENERGY , 제193권(집) , PP.112~124 , 2017.05.01
Development of the smart photovoltaic system blind and its impact on net-zero energy solar buildings using technical-economic-policy analyses, ENERGY , 제124권(집) , PP.382~396 , 2017.04.01
Framework for the validation of simulation-based productivity analysis: Focused on curtain wall construction process, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management , 제23권(집) , 제2호 , PP.163~172 , 2017.03.15
Development of a prediction model for the cost saving potentials in implementing the building energy efficiency rating certification, APPLIED ENERGY , 제189권(집) , 제1호 , PP.257~270 , 2017.03.01
Zoning-based vertical transportation optimization for workers at peak time in a skyscraper construction, COMPUTER-AIDED CIVIL AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING , 제31권(집) , 제11호 , PP.826~845 , 2016.11.15
A finite element model for estimating the techno-economic performance of the building-integrated photovoltaic blind, APPLIED ENERGY , 제179권(집) , PP.211~227 , 2016.10.01
An integrated multi-objective optimization model for determining the optimal solution in implementing the rooftop photovoltaic system, RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS , 제57권(집) , PP.822~837 , 2016.05.15
An economic impact analysis of state solar incentives for improving financial performance of residential solar photovoltaic systems in the United States, RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS , 제58권(집) , PP.590~607 , 2016.05.15
An integrated multi-objective optimization model for determining the optimal solution in the solar thermal energy system, ENERGY , 제102권(집) , PP.416~426 , 2016.05.01
An optimization model for selecting the optimal green systems by considering the thermal comfort and energy consumption, APPLIED ENERGY , 제169권(집) , PP.682~695 , 2016.05.01
The optimal photovoltaic system implementation strategy to achieve the national carbon emissions reduction target in 2030: Focused on educational facilities, ENERGY AND BUILDINGS , 제119권(집) , PP.101~110 , 2016.05.01
A model for predicting the environmental impacts of educational facilities in the project planning phase, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION , 제107권(집) , PP.538~549 , 2015.11.16
A review on sustainable construction management strategies for monitoring, diagnosing, and retrofitting the building’s dynamic energy performance: Focused on the operation and maintenance phase, APPLIED ENERGY , 제155권(집) , PP.671~707 , 2015.10.01
Life cycle economic and environmental assessment for establishing the optimal implementation strategy of rooftop photovoltaic system in military facility, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION , 제104권(집) , PP.315~327 , 2015.10.01
Integrated CO2, cost, and schedule management system for building construction projects using the earned value management theory, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION , 제103권(집) , PP.275~285 , 2015.09.15
Development of a dynamic operational rating system in energy performance certificates for existing buildings: Geostatistical approach and data-mining technique, APPLIED ENERGY , 제154권(집) , PP.254~270 , 2015.09.15
An integrated multi-objective optimization model for establishing the low-carbon scenario 2020 to achieve the national carbon emissions reduction target for residential buildings, RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS , 제49권(집) , PP.410~425 , 2015.09.15
A program-level management system for the life cycle environmental and economic assessment of complex building projects, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REVIEW , 제54권(집) , PP.9~21 , 2015.09.15
An environmental and economic assessment for selecting the optimal ground heat exchanger by considering the entering water temperature, Energies , 제8권(집) , 제8호 , PP.7752~7776 , 2015.08.01
An estimation methodology for the dynamic operational rating of a new residential building using the advanced case-based reasoning and stochastic approaches, APPLIED ENERGY , 제150권(집) , PP.308~322 , 2015.07.15
An integrated multi-objective optimization model for solving the construction time-cost trade-off problem, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management , 제21권(집) , 제3호 , PP.323~333 , 2015.04.03
A dynamic energy performance curve for evaluating the historical trends in the energy performance of existing buildings using a simplified case-based reasoning approach, ENERGY AND BUILDINGS , 제92권(집) , PP.338~350 , 2015.04.01
A Lagrangian finite element model for estimating the heating and cooling demand of a residential building with a different envelope design, APPLIED ENERGY , 제142권(집) , PP.66~79 , 2015.03.15
A decision support system for determining the optimal size of a new expressway service area: Focused on the profitability, DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS , 제67권(집) , PP.9~20 , 2014.11.15
Framework for the analysis of the low-carbon scenario 2020 to achieve the national carbon emissions reduction target: Focused on educational facilities, ENERGY POLICY , 제73권(집) , PP.356~367 , 2014.10.15
An economic and environmental assessment model for selecting the optimal implementation strategy of fuel cell system: Focused on building energy policy, Energies , 제7권(집) , 제8호 , PP.5129~5150 , 2014.08.15
Framework for establishing the optimal implementation strategy of a fuel-cell-based combined heat and power system: Focused on multi-family housing complex, APPLIED ENERGY , 제127권(집) , PP.11~24 , 2014.08.15
An estimation model for determining the annual energy cost budget in educational facilities using SARIMA (seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average) and ANN (artificial neural network), ENERGY , 제71권(집) , PP.71~79 , 2014.07.15
Development of a new energy efficiency rating system for existing residential buildings, ENERGY POLICY , 제68권(집) , PP.218~231 , 2014.05.15
Framework for the analysis of the potential of the rooftop photovoltaic system to achieve the net-zero energy solar buildings, PROGRESS IN PHOTOVOLTAICS , 제22권(집) , 제4호 , PP.462~478 , 2014.04.15
Framework for the mapping of the monthly average daily solar radiation using an advanced case-based reasoning and a geostatistical technique, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 제48권(집) , 제8호 , PP.4604~4612 , 2014.04.15
Decision support model for establishing the optimal energy retrofit strategy for existing multi-family housing complexes, ENERGY POLICY , 제66권(집) , PP.157~169 , 2014.03.15
An estimation model for the heating and cooling demand of a residential building with a different envelope design using the finite element method, APPLIED ENERGY , 제115권(집) , PP.205~215 , 2014.02.15
Benchmarks as a tool for free allocation through comparison with similar projects: Focused on multi-family housing complex, APPLIED ENERGY , 제114권(집) , PP.663~675 , 2014.02.15
A GIS (geographic information system)-based optimization model for estimating the electricity generation of the rooftop PV (photovoltaic) system, ENERGY , 제65권(집) , PP.190~199 , 2014.02.01
An economic and environmental assessment for selecting the optimum new renewable energy system for educational facility, RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS , 제29권(집) , PP.286~300 , 2014.01.15
Infrastructure asset management system for bridge projects in South Korea, KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING , 제17권(집) , 제7호 , PP.1551~1561 , 2013.11.15
Assessment of seasonal energy efficiency strategies of a double skin façade in a Monsoon climate region, Energies , 제6권(집) , 제9호 , PP.4352~4376 , 2013.09.15
Estimating the Loss Ratio of Solar Photovoltaic Electricity Generation through Stochastic Analysis, KICEM Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management , 제3권(집) , 제3호 , PP.23~34 , 2013.09.15
Estimation of the monthly average daily solar radiation using geographic information system and advanced case-based reasoning, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 제47권(집) , 제9호 , PP.4829~4839 , 2013.05.07
Development of web-based design management system through user participatory design and use-case modeling, International Journal of Civil Engineering , 제11권(집) , 제1호 , PP.23~32 , 2013.03.15
Framework for the implementation of a new renewable energy system in an educational facility, APPLIED ENERGY , 제103권(집) , 제3호 , PP.539~551 , 2013.03.15
A decision support model for improving a multi-family housing complex based on CO2 emission from electricity consumption, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT , 제112권(집) , PP.67~78 , 2012.12.15
Economic and environmental evaluation model for selecting the optimum design of green roof systems in elementary schools, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 제46권(집) , 제15호 , PP.8475~8483 , 2012.08.07
A decision support model for reducing electric energy consumption in elementary school facilities, APPLIED ENERGY , 제95권(집) , 제1호 , PP.253~266 , 2012.07.15
A decision support model for improving a multi-family housing complex based on CO2 emission from gas energy consumption, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT , 제52권(집) , 제6호 , PP.142~151 , 2012.06.15
LCC and LCCO2 analysis of green roofs in elementary schools with energy saving measures, ENERGY AND BUILDINGS , 제45권(집) , 제2호 , PP.229~239 , 2012.02.15
노후 공동주택 개선여부 의사결정을 위한 공동주택 분류체계 개발, 한국건설관리학회 논문집 , 제12권(집) , 제6호 , PP.101~109 , 2011.11.15
온톨로지 기반 공동주택 분류체계를 활용한 가스에너지 사용량 예측 모델, 한국건설관리학회 논문집 , 제12권(집) , 제6호 , PP.110~119 , 2011.11.15
The development of a construction cost prediction model with improved prediction capacity using the advanced CBR approach, EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS , 제38권(집) , 제7호 , PP.8597~8606 , 2011.07.01
A study on the development of a cost model based on the owner's decision making at the early stages of a construction project, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC PROPERTY MANAGEMENT , 제14권(집) , 제2호 , PP.121~137 , 2010.10.15
A CBR-based hybrid model for predicting a construction duration and cost based on project characteristics in multi-family housing projects, CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING , 제37권(집) , 제5호 , PP.739~752 , 2010.05.15
건축공사 옥상 도막방수 공법의 LCC 분석 - 품질확보를 위한 사전대책을 중심으로 -, 한국건설관리학회 논문집 , 제9권(집) , 제4호 , PP.57~65 , 2008.08.15
소규모 공공교육 시설 임대형 민자사업(BTL)의 수행구조 개선모델, 한국건설관리학회 논문집 , 제8권(집) , 제3호 , PP.116~124 , 2007.06.15
설계단계에서 외장마감재 선정을 위한 생애주기 성능모델 개발, 대한건축학회논문집 구조계 , 제23권(집) , 제2호 , PP.75~82 , 2007.02.15