Dept. of
Materials Science and Engineering
Industrial management engineering is a field of engineering analysis that designs, improves, installs, and operates a comprehensive system consisting of human beings, materials, and facilities in a trend where corporate systems are becoming more advanced and complex. It aims to optimize system output by combining professional knowledge and technology of design principles and methods with the ability to identify, predict, and evaluate the results obtained from the system.
Since Incheon National University College of Engineering opened in 1979, the department started as the Department of Industrial Management. In 1985, the department was reorganized as the Department of Industrial Engineering. In 1987, the department expanded to include a night course, and in 2006, the department was renamed the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering.
To meet the needs of the industry, all members are striving to develop a program that fosters excellent and competitive human resources by activating computer-based education, case studies, and on-site training projects.
To meet the needs of the industry, all members are striving to develop a program that fosters excellent and competitive human resources by activating computer-based education, case studies, and on-site training projects.