- Mechanical System Motion Simulation Lab
- About the lab
- Laboratory Location : Bldg. 8, Room 424
- Prof. Jongyoon Yoon
- Research highlights
- Develop a nonlinear driveline analysis model.
- Improving the Reliability of Indirect Force Estimation with Vibration Isolators
- Develop analytical models and measurement techniques for nonlinear characteristics of various mechanical systems, including intelligent vehicles.

- Human Dynamics Lab
- About the lab
- Laboratory Location : Bldg. 27, Room 107
- Prof. Kiwon Park
- Website : http://hdl.inu.ac.kr/
- Recruiting Research Interns
- Students interested in automatic control of dynamics and program coding
- Research highlights
- Developing rehabilitation robots by analyzing various human body movements using dynamics, biomechanics, and artificial intelligence (AI) and creating a platform for managing neurological diseases.

- Computational Mechanics & Materials Lab
- About the lab
- Lab Location : Bldg 8, Room 525
- Prof. Yu-Sung Han
- Recruiting Research Interns
- Students interested in finite element analysis, mechanical design, and applied mechanics.
- Research highlights
- Research on process design and structural characterization involving biophysical phenomena
- Developing Numerical Models for Materials Characterization in Extreme Environments

- Stem Cell Bioengineering Lab
- About the lab
- Lab Location Bldg. 27, Room 106
- Prof. Jae-Min Cha
- Website : http://jae-lab.inu.ac.kr
- Recruiting Research Interns
- Students seeking research positions in the bio industry
- Research highlights
- Production of stem cell-applied medicines using convergence technology of biotechnology and mechanical engineering research on the development of bioprocess technology
- Research 3D stem cell growth environments that mimic the mechanical environment of the human body and manufacture artificial tissues

- Digital Manufacturing & Design Lab
- About the lab
- Lab Location : Building 8, Room 531
- Prof. Sangin Park
- Website : http://dmdl.inu.ac.kr
- Recruiting Research Interns
- Students interested in CAD, finite element analysis, image processing, coding, and AI
- Research highlights
- Design software development for 3D printing and optimization using finite element analysis

- Information & Signal Processing Lab
- About the lab
- Lab Location : Bldg 8, Room 532
- Prof. Hyundoo Jung
- Website : https://sites.google.com/view/isplab
- Recruiting Research Interns
- Students interested in researching/developing large-scale data analysis algorithms and implementing programs
- Research highlights
- Researching effective methodologies and algorithms for large-scale data analysis
- Research biological networks and biomolecular analysis algorithms
- Free topic research related to signal processing, data science, and artificial intelligence

- Computational Science Lab
- About the lab
- Lab Location : Bldg 9, Room 404
- Prof. Hyunmyeong Woo
- Website : https://alexpecial.github.io/
- Recruiting Research Interns
- Students interested in researching optimal decision-making based on learning machines and signal-processing techniques to solve actual scientific/engineering problems.
- Research highlights
- Mathematical modeling of complex scientific/engineering systems and research on optimal experimental design to minimize system uncertainty
- Research and application of optimized calculative pre-screening campaigns using machine learning and mathematical optimization techniques