인천대학교 로고

2022. 09. 01.
Changgeun Song was promoted to Professor.
2020. 08. 31.
Prof. Taehoon Kim and Donghyun Baek were appointed.
2020. 02. 29.
Prof. Inseong Woo and Myung-Hwan Hwang retired.
2019. 03. 01.
Tae-Wan Kim was promoted to professor.
2019. 03. 01.
Assistant professor Minchul Lee was promoted to professor.
2019. 02. 25.
Prof. Lee Dong-ho won the Best English Teaching Award for the 2nd semester of 2018 at the Education Innovation Center.
2017. 09. 01.
Assistant Professor Changgeun was promoted to professor.
2017. 02. 23.
Professor Minchul Lee received the 2016 Incheon National University Award for Excellence in Academic Research.
2016. 10. 12.
INU signed an industry-university cooperation agreement with the Korea Industrial Safety Association
2016. 10. 01.
Prof. Taegeun Oh was promoted to professor.
2016. 09.
Ranked 1st in the engineering major employment rate among 4-year universities nationwide (based on health insurance DB as of June 1, 2016)
2016. 05. 12.
Prof. Taegeun Oh received the Academic Award of the Korean Safety Society and the Best Paper Award in Construction Safety at the 2015 Fall Conference.
2016. 03. 08.
2015 Academic Evaluation 2nd Position in the 2nd Division Educational Performance Area
2015. 08. 31.
Prof. Taewan Kim was appointed.
2015. 02. 23.
Prof. Minchul Lee was appointed.
2014. 08. 31.
Prof. Sung-Jung Kim retired.
2014. 02. 26.
Prof. Taegeun Oh won the Best English Teaching Award for the 2nd semester of 2013 at the Education Innovation Center
2014. 02. 26.
Prof. Taegeun Oh received the 2013 Incheon National University Award for Excellence in Academic Research.
2013. 08. 20.
Prof. Changgeun Song was appointed.
2013. 03.
2012 Academic Assessment Award for Excellence in Research Achievements, Teaching Performance, and Internationalization
2012. 12. 20.
Prof. Yoonseon Kim retired.
2012. 08. 31.
Prof. Chikyung Kim retired.
2012. 08. 23.
Prof. Taegeun Oh was appointed.
2012. 07. 24.
The Graduate School of Engineering major name was changed (Safety and Environmental Systems Major → Safety and Environmental Systems Engineering Major)
2012. 03.
2011 Academic Assessment Award for Excellence in Research
2011. 03.
2010 Academic Assessment Award for Excellence in Research
2010. 10. 01.
The Safety Science Education Research Center was established.
2010. 03. 01.
The Department of New Materials and Safety Engineering was renamed to the Department of Safety Engineering
2010. 02.
The Institute of Safety and Environment was renamed (Energy, Environment, Health and Safety Institute)
2009. 09.
Songdo Campus moved.
2007. 06.
Prof. Dongho Lee received an academic award from the Korean Safety Society.
2006. 11. 16.
INU Fire and Disaster Prevention Research Center (Director: Prof. Dongho Lee) was established.
2004. 06.
Prof. Myunghwan Hwang received the Technical Award from the Korean Society of Industrial Safety
The Waste Treatment Research Center was renamed (Safety and Environment Research Center) -
2003. 11. 05.
The Graduate Ph.D. program in Safety Engineering was approved.
2002. 10. 15.
The recruitment unit was merged (Dept. of Safety Engineering → Dept. of New Materials and Safety Engineering)
1998. 12. 18.
School of Safety Engineering was approved.
1997. 10.
The Graduate School of Industrial Engineering approved the Safety and Environmental Systems Major
1997. 09.
The department was renamed the Department of Safety Engineering.
1997. 07.
The Waste Treatment Research Center was established.
1995. 02.
Prof. Inseong Woo received the Academic Award of the Korean Society of Industrial Safety
1994. 08.
Prof. Sungjung Kim was appointed.
1994. 03.
The university was renamed as the University of Incheon.
1993. 03.
Prof. Chikyung Kim was appointed.
1992. 03.
Prof. Dongho Lee was appointed.
1991. 03.
Prof. Inseong Woo was appointed.
1990. 03.
Prof. Myunghwan Hwang was appointed.
1989. 03.
The Dept. of Industrial Safety Engineering was established. 40 students (Day Class)
Prof. Yunseon Kim was appointed. -
1988. 11. 23.
The Dept. of Industrial Safety Engineering was newly authorized.