- 1 1학기 [0006695] Introduction to Software
- ThisclassisintendedtobringstudentsuptospeedonprogrammingsmallandlargeprogramsinC.Originallywrittenin1978,Cremainsthemostpopularprogramminglanguage,andthemostusedoneintermsofnumbersofcomputerprogramswritteninit.Therearenoprerequisites,butstudentsareexpectedtobeatleastsomewhatfamiliarwithprogrammingandcomputers.StudentswilllearnhowtoprograminC,howtowritemodularcode,andsomeofthetipsandtrickswhendealingwithproductionleveltools.Thisisaprogrammingclassandstudentswillbewritinglotsofcode.Expecttospendatleast1520hoursoutsideofclassplayingwiththecodetogetthingstowork.
- 1 1학기 [XAA1358] CALCULUS(1)
- As a basic mathematics course for students in natural science college we study differentiation and integration of one variable real-valued functions, emphasizing basic concepts and applications. The topics are limit functions, continuity, derivatives, polar coordination and proper integrals.
- 1 1학기 [XAA1077] PHYSICS(1)
- This course covers general theories in physics, focusing on statics and dynamics.
- 1 1학기 [XAA1114] LINEAR ALGEBRA
- his course covers the fundamentals of elementary linear algebra. Topics included are general properties and examples of vector space, matrix, determinant, eigenvalue and eigenvector, and linear transformation.
- This course provides the basic expertise for the digital system designers who are massively needed in this digital era by teaching the principles of digital devices and digital systems. First, students will be able to explain the structures and behaviors of various combinational and sequential circuits which are described in disparate representations. Also, they will be able to design and optimize combinational, arithmetic, sequential circuits, and finite state machines (FSMs). Finally, they will learn how to properly apply the techniques in the design of computer, communication, and control system.
- MATLAB is a engineering package used in various fields. This lecture aims at learning computer programming with MATLAB
- 1 2학기 [XAA1359] CALCULUS(2)
- As a contiunation of "Caculus (1)" we study properties of partial derivatives, multiple integrals, series and matrices.
- 1 2학기 [0000102] PHYSICS(2)
- Mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, atomic and nuclear physics, elementary particles and general information about the theory of relativity deals with.
- AND, OR, INVERTER, basic logic gate, subsystem design, TTL gate, CMOS gate, adder, encoder, decoder, multiplexer, flip-flop,clock generater, multi-vibrator,counter.
- The purpose of this course is to provide students with an introduction to the fundamentals of electrostatics, magnetostatics, and electromagnetics.This course covers following topics; introduction to electrostatics and magnetostatics; properties of conductive, dielectric, and magnetic materials; solutions of Maxwell's equations; uniform plane wave applications
- 2 1학기 [EPC6045] CIRCUIT THEORY
- The aim of this course is to provide a range of circuit theory techniques for the analysis of resistive circuits and to introduce techniques for analyzing the step response of RL and RC circuits and to introduce techniques for analyzing the sinusoidal response of RLC circuits. you will be able to demonstrate in-depth understanding of the circuit theory techniques that are available for analysing resistive circuits and analyse the step response of simple RL and RC circuits and the sinusoidal response of simple RLC circuits.
- The aim of this course is to introduce the student to programming using the C language. Basic programming-in-the-small abilities and concepts including procedural programming (methods, parameters, return values) , basic control structures (sequence, if/else, for loop, while loop), file processing, arrays and an introduction to defining objects.
- Study of complex numbers, variables and functions, and vectors and their derivatives and integrals that are necessary for analyzing physical phenomena on the plane or for representing spatial concepts, including various mathematical analysis methods employing the divergence theorem, Stokes' theorem, Cauchy's integral theorem, the residue theorem, etc
- 2 1학기 [0007805] Introduction to smart systems
- Smart systems acquire signals from various sensors, convert them into digital signals, and transfer them to other systems or data centers through communication modules. The data is then analyzed by applying various pattern recognition techniques to extract information, which is fed back to the user. This course introduces relevant technologies in electronics engineering, and provides practices with Arduino boards, which will be interesting as well as helpful in fostering the intuition on systems.
- Main topics include understanding of the operation methods of basic measurement system. The basic properties of resistor, inductor, capacitors and semiconductor device including of p-n juction diode will be studied and do an experiment. The RLC oscillattion circuit and rectifing circuit and amplifier cirucuits will be studied. The properties of dynamic ciruits and response of all circuits which was studied in the theoretical course will be discussed.
- Main teaching topics include the crystal structure of semiconductor, wave function of electron in crystal, energy band theory, carrier concentration, and effective mass for the undestanding of bais semiconductor properties. The extraction of the carrier concentration of intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor will discussed. The conduction mechanism and recombination and generation mechanism will also discussed.
- The aim of this course is to introduce techniques for analyzing the sinusoidal response of RLC circuits and th two-port networks. For this purpose, this course will cover steady state sinusoidal analysis using phasors and solution of network equations using Laplace transform and frequency domain analysis of RLC circuits as well as 2-port network parameters, driving point and transfer functions.
- 2 2학기 [0009850] probability and statistics
- probability and statisticsprobability and statisticsprobability and statisticsprobability and statisticsprobability and statisticsprobability and statistics
- Main topics are the understanding of the operation principle of P-N junction diode, biploar transistors, Schottky diode, MIS diode, Field effect transistor, and CMOS. The I-V chrateristics and analytical modeling of semiconductor devices are discussed. The advanced CMOS device with gate length of 0.2um is also studied for G-bit memoery devices. New semiconductor devices, such as SOI technology will be presented in this course.
- This course deals with characteristics and operation principles of active devices such as diodes, MOSFETs and BJTs and analysis schemes of simple active circuits. The features of an ideal opamp as well as design and analysis methods for many opamp application circuits are taught. Students also learn the circuit simulation program, SPICE, that is required for circuit design and verification.
- Students should conduct an experiment after learning the theory and understanding the experimental circuit through computer simulation using SPICE. This process equip students with the abilities to estimate the experiment results and to analyze errors. This can maximize the effect of experiments and thus improve their abilities of circuit design and implementation.
- "Representation of signals and systems/ Sampling and the Sampling Theorem (how to convert continuous signals to discrete signals, and vice versa)/Convolution and time domain response of systems/Laplace transforms/Z-transforms/Fourier series and the Fourier transform.
- 3 1학기 [0009463] Artificial Intelligence
- This course deals with the basics and applications of AI (Artificial Intelligence) that is considered as one of core concepts of the 4-th industrial revolution. Students will study on ANN (Artificial Neural Network) and DNN (Deep Neural Network), and CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) for learning image data and DQN (Deep-Q Network) for reinforcement learning will be covered. Moreover, various industrial applications of AI and its state-of-the-art will be introduced. By conducting exercise of AI developments, improving abilities regarding to problem definition, design, and learning is the objective of this course.
- Computer architecture is concerned with the structure and behavior of the various functional modules of the computer; and how they interact to the processing needs of the user. In particullar this course covers computer systems ranging from PCs through multiprocessors with respect to hardware design and instruction set architecture. This includes unit and related technologies such as primary and secondary memory, caches, CPU, and pipelines.
- 3 2학기 [0007918] IoT applications Lab.
- The course aims to cultivate the ability to design and develop various control devices using microcontrollers. Students will first understand the architecture of 8-bit microcontrollers in the 8051 family and create controller boards that include peripheral devices. Building on this foundation, they will learn to use software development toolchains and enhance their proficiency in C programming to design and implement practical control systems.
- This course deals with design and analysis techniques for basic analog building blocks such as differential input stage, output stage, multi-stage amplifier and so on. Amplifier frequency responses, compensation methods for stability and feedback theories are also taught. Student should use SPICE in circuit design and analysis to improve their circuit understanding.
- 3 2학기 [0008865] Deep Learning
- This class introduces the fundamentals of deep learning and pattern recognition. The class talks about the history and theory of artificial neural network, and the evolution to the current deep neural network. Various techniques of deep neural network algorithms and their applications are also introduced. For pattern recognition, feature extraction, feature transformation, statistical modeling and estimation algorithms will be included in the course