- Students learn how to organize and handle data efficiently. The main subjects are stack, queue, linked list, tree, hashing, and graph. Having the knowledges about these data structures, the students are able to learn how to approach orgranize and access data. In addition, Developing complex forms of data structures by combining the basic structures is covered. Algorithm Analysis: growth of functions, Big-oh notation, basic recurrences; Complexity classes; Algorithm design techniques: heuristics, divide and conquer, greedy, backtracking, dynamic programming; Searching techniques: Elementary searching methods; Balanced Trees; Binary search; Hashing; Radix searching.; Sorting techniques: Elementary sorting methods, Quicksort, Radix Sort, Priority queues, Mergesort; String processing; Graph algorithms; Mathematical Algorithms.
- The purpose of this course is to provide students with an introduction to the fundamentals of magnetostatics, and electromagnetic wave.This course covers following topics; magnetostatics; properties of magnetic materials; solutions of Maxwell's equations; uniform plane wave applications
- 3 1학기 [0010079] IoT Systems
- IoT(Internet of Things) systems have been evolved to connect everything to the Internet and transforms information between machine to machine or machine to human. With the Fourth Industrial Revolution, IoT has become more and more important and extended its service applications due to the explosive explosion of information and technical advancements such as artificial intelligence. This course provides the fundamentals and practical tools of IoT systems regarding components of the system, data analysis schemes, and platforms of application developments. Students are expected to understand basics of IoT devices and systems, Internet connectivity, information gathering and utilization platforms, and experiences its working during the lab classes to use some experimental tools. In addition, this course introduces the latest academic and research trends in the field such as IoV and V2X, and deepens the depth and depth of understanding of the theory and tools experienced in this subject through submission and presentation of assignments.
- Radio Wave, Generation and Propagation, Receiving Techniques, Channel Modeling, Smith Chart, S Parameter, Transceiver Block
- Communication system modeling, signal classification, signal representation, Fourier series, Fourier transform, convolution, sampling theorem, distortionless transmission, spectral density,analog modulation/demodulation, AM, FM, PM, digital conversion, PCM,DPCM, DM, modulation index, bandwidth, multiplexing,SNR, noise.
- Signals and systems in discrete time/ Z-transform of a LTI system/ spectrum of a signal using the DFT, FFT, and spectrogram /frequency response of FIR and IIR filters.
- This course provides the practical expertise required for digital integrated circuits and systems design engineers. In order to nourish the ability to develop digital integrated circuits and systems, lectures and design practices for Register Transfer Level (RTL) hardware description using Verilog Hardware Description Language (HDL), modeling Finite State Machine (FSM) and datapath, and prototyping using a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) will be provided. First, lectures will be provided for building up the theoretical background including the modeling of digital integrated circuits and systems by partitioning them into FSMs and datapaths, and some details of techniques for RTL Verilog HDL description. Also, the students will learn how to install and use the tool chains to describe, verify, and prototype digital systems in lectures. Following that, the students will experience industrial strength design practices through a complete set of step by step labs.
- Introduction to digital communication system, theories related to function and design of each major block, data format, modulation/demodulation, channel coding, performance of modulation/demodulation scheme, optimum receiver design theory.
- What is microwave? Spectrum, Impedance Matching, Transmission Line, S parameters, Power Gain, High Gain Amplifier Design, Low Noise, Broadband, High Power Design, Amplifier Simulation and Design
- 3 2학기 [0005947] Fundamentals of Semiconductor Process Technology
- Basic goals in the lecture is to understand semiconductor unit processes (oxidation, diffusion, chemical vapor deposition, photolithograph, etch, ion implantation, metallization, and testing). Furthermore, through this lecture, all the students are supposed to build up the capability to understand the state of art semiconductor technology with working knowledge. If necessary, basic practice of semiconductor process including TCAD simulation will be utilized for in-depth understanding on unit semiconductor process. Finally, students will be requested to submit (or perform) regular reports and one-time presentation regarding the state of art semiconductor technology.
- 4 1학기 [0009982] Capstone Design1
- This course aims to develop students' ability to solve engineering problems in real industry. Based on the theory learned in undergraduate courses, students experience the whole process of planning, designing, producing, cultivating teamwork, analyzing, reporting, and presenting their result.
- Mobile Communication, Architecture, Cell, Spectrum Reuse, Transceiver Architecture, RF Module Design, Fading Channel Model, 3G/4G
- Stability of closed-loop control system is analyzed for analysis and design of control system. Mathematical and graphical test method of stability analysis are studied.
- 4 1학기 [0011438] Next Generation Communications
- Communication theory and systems are regarded as one of essential technologies of IT as well as a driving force for convergence in various fields of engineering. In this course, we learn the basic theories and principles of communication such as information transmission and communication layers, and introduce some key technologies for the next-generation communication systems such as 5/6G including some standards for incorporating new technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data.
- 4 2학기 [0009790] Capstone Design 2
- This course aims to develop students' ability to solve engineering problems in real industry. Based on the theory learned in undergraduate courses, students experience the whole process of planning, designing, producing, cultivating teamwork, analyzing, reporting, and presenting their result.
- This subject will cover optical fiber system structure and principles so that can be obtained special knowledge as a optical engineer. As a basic concept, it deals with waveguide theory in the optical fiber, fiber types, semiconductor devices as a source and detector, and passive and active devices of the optical fiber system.
- 4 2학기 [0010080] Big Data Engineering
- With the evolution of communication networks such as IoT and 5G and the proliferation of Internet services, technical and academic demands for collecting and using information are getting increasing. As a result, the demand for technology in the field of effectively handling and utilizing big data has also been increasing industrially and socially. This course deals with the academic and technical content required in each steps of collecting, analyzing, visualizing, and using big data. Students will learn the basics and tools and methodologies necessary for the collection of big data, data processing theories and techniques for refining, storing and analyzing them, data analysis theories for problem modeling and solving, and understanding data through visualization. Students will also experience some tools to apply the suggested theories and solutions, and expand their understanding depth through assignment submission and presentation.
- 4 2학기 [0011898] Bioelectronics Engineering
- This course covers the fundamental concepts and application technologies of Bioelectronics Engineering, exploring how the integration of biological systems and electronics can address medical and biological challenges. Students will gain foundational knowledge of human anatomy and bioelectric phenomena to understand the biological processes occurring within cells and tissues, as well as the principles of measuring and analyzing biosignals. Building on an understanding of micro-scale biological systems and transport phenomena, the course delves into applications of semiconductor-based nano-biosensors and lab-on-a-chip technologies. Additionally, emerging research topics such as neural-machine interfaces and digital healthcare technologies are introduced.
- Various control techniques useful to system control design are studied on the basis of control engineering. Controller design technique using Bode diagram, Smith predictor useful to time delay system control, etc. are studied along with case studies.